Medical Profiles
Portland Monthly delivers a complete guide to the area’s finest health care professionals.
Each year over 400,000 Portlanders read our coverage on the city’s medical professionals. And last year over 58,000 people searched our database of doctors in Portland.
Are you a leader in your field? Are you committed to providing the best care? Or perhaps you have an innovation, new discovery, or technique the public or medical community will be interested in? Tell your story and showcase your expertise in this special annual feature, which delivers a complete guide to the area’s finest health care professionals.
Medical profiles are advertisements at pdxmonthly.com and Portland Monthly magazine that we build for you, complete with photography* and creative design. Their distinctive format gives you the ability to highlight your practice, services, and personal achievements.
SPREAD, Full or 1/2 page ad
in the WINTER Issue
Annual Listing on
Portland Monthly top Doctor directory

promotion in shared
high-impact banner ads
shared social

Newsletter Promotion
Email promotion

Medical Profile package Details
Spread + Digital Package - $9,795
FULL Page + Digital Package - $6,990
Half Page + Digital Package - $5,175Includes:
- Profile-style ad in Winter Issue of Portland Monthly (select your size)
- One hour session with Professional Photographer
- Enhanced profile in the Top Doctors directory
- 20k Native Impressions on pdxmonthly.com (link to your enhanced listing)
- Inclusion in high-impact banner ad carousel on pdxmonthly.com
- Shared Facebook & Instagram promotion (slideshow)
- 1x Native Newsletter ad in Portland Monthly Daily enewsletter (links to your enhanced listing)
- Feature in a Top Doctors targeted eblast (50k send)
production specs
- General Information: Name of practice, address, phone number, website and doctor name(s) and speciality
- Profile Writeup: Spread (350 words); Full page (250 words); 1/2 page (150 words); 1/4 page (75 words)
- Image: High-res, 300 dpi or higher, CMYK format (if not it will be cropped to fit)
- **Copy must be submitted in a Word doc
- Native E-newsletter:
- Headline (Between 5-15 words long to draw in a reader to your profile E.g. "Convenient, Compassionate Care."
- Subtitle (Max. 255 characters. Short description using complete sentences; preferably a snippit / summary from your profile description). *If field left blank, we will automatically pull the first sentence from your online profile to use here.
- Social Media Carousel:
- Headline: Max. 18 characters (can mimic your Native E-Newsletter headline)