Holiday Gift Guide
Each December over 500,000 Portlanders come to pdxmonthly.com and Portland Monthly magazine in search of Holiday Gift ideas. This being a year-like-no-other Portlanders will be especially focused on helping out our local retailers. We’d love for your products to be among them.
package includes:
Print Tile in the Winter Issue
gift guide
Native Ad Impressions
linking to your article

promotion in shared
high-impact banner ads
social media promotion

native ad in
holiday Gift Guide

Holiday Gift Guide package Details
DIGITAL + PRINT - $1,500
Individual Promotion:
- Print tile in Winter Issue
- Sponsored listing in our online holiday gift guide
- Exclusive week-long paid social media campaign (Facebook & Instagram)
- Native ad position in daily enewsletter
Shared Promotion:
- Rotation on high-impact rich media ads
- Shared social media ad campaign featuring your product in a slide carousel
- Product featured in Holiday Gift Guide promotional eblast to our subscribers
- Targeted eblast to 50,000 recipients
production specs
- Headline of 3-5 words
- Subhead: 8 words max.
- PRINT TILE: Copy should be no more than 25-30 words
- DIGITAL: Copy should be no more than 150 words
- Contact Information, including URL
- Image should be high-res, 300 dpi or higher, RGB format
SPace: 09.26.2025
Materials: 10.03.2025
ON SALE: 11.19.2025